1 - 3 Years
3-4.5 Years
4.5-7 Years
7-10 Years
1 - 3 Years


Between 1 to 3 years of age a child undergoes a phenomenal phase of brain development, where the brain is like a sponge. 

It absorbs given information at a faster pace and so activities for this age group are full of curiosity and natural desire to know more, learn more and thus absorb more.

3-4.5 Years


Between the age of 3-4.5, children have a sense of self. They are inquisitive to know more in everything they are introduced to and their brain needs the correct feed. The age when they have if's and buts and why's to be answered.

4.5-7 Years


Between the age of 4.5-7 children have spurting energy. They want to experiment, play, express their views; wants to be treated as an adult! 

They are like an erupting volcano.

7-10 Years


Between 7 and 10 is quiet confusing for the child. They are trying to find a balance between being a child and being a grown up. They need to feel a strong sense of independence in order to find their moral ground

A typical class will have 25 creative activities in 60 mins and will be conducted once a week

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